9 Signs Your Siding Needs to Be Repaired

9 Signs Your Siding Needs to Be Repaired

August 7, 2023

The siding on your house has one primary job: to protect your home from the weather. Over time, siding can become damaged or undergo wear and tear that make it less effective at protecting your home. Sometimes, siding needs to be replaced entirely, but there are many cases in which siding can be repaired instead. …

6 Signs You Need New Siding

6 Signs You Need New Siding

March 20, 2023

If you are wondering if it’s time to consider replacing your siding, then it probably is. Siding can be a major investment, and knowing when to replace yours requires research and understanding the signs that mean it needs to go. So what should you look for? The Paint Requires Frequent Maintenance It’s fairly well known …